Melys, Osgled – Y Cwps, Aberystwyth

Y Cwps is a pub/venue which generally goes by its Welsh name but in English translates to The Coopers Arms. I went to a school in Upminster called The Coopers Company and Coborn School, a merger of two Bow schools who relocated in 1971, a decade before I started there. I also lived in Romford near a pub called The Coopers Arms, whose pub sign had the exact same badge I wore on my blazer for five years. I was curious to see if the same badge – the heraldic arms of the Worshipful Coopers’ Company – was in this pub too. It wasn’t – so that was a plus. I hated my schooldays, the spoilt Upminster kids and the psychotic teachers. Anyway …

Osgled was an interesting support, a solo artist looping dreaming synths and gorgeous vocals. Not the stuff I usually listen to but I enjoyed it.

Having seen Melys live for the first time earlier this year, I’ve made it my mission to see them as many times as possible. They have such a great live sound and the tunes to back it up. Disco Pig is such a powerful song to end their set on, and new ones such as Santa Cruz and 13 Secrets bode well for the release of their new album next year too.


  • Buwch Sanctaidd
  • Skating
  • Eyeliner
  • Diwifr
  • Santa Cruz
  • Llawenydd
  • Chinese Whispers
  • Stori Elen
  • 13 Secrets
  • So Good
  • Un Darllenwr Lwcus
  • Disco Pig


  • Baby Burn

Saturday 30 November 2024, 282 views

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