First 3 months, first 8 QSL cards

The benefit of the QSL bureau hasn’t worked its way through to me yet so I am a bit short on QSL cards, but after 3 months and 3,000+ QSOs I have 8. 4 were cards that I ordered online, and 4 were cards that just popped on my doorstep unexpectedly (I always reply 100% to cards that come in this way).

I love that I’ve not only had QSOs with Greenland, Chile and Australia but been able to verify them too, something which way exceeded my expectations when I strung up the EFHW in January. However the ones that just appear in the post out of nowhere are always my favourite kind of QSL card.

And since I’ve only got 8 I can post them all in a blog post:

Sunday 23 April 2023, 228 views

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