Setting up a blank app
npm i -g expo-cli md animation4 cd animation4 expo init --npm when prompted give it a name - > e.g; myTestProject1 (or any name you want) hit enter to get “blank”, when prompted cd myTestProject1 // this sets the command line inside ‘myProject’ folder, where you will be doing your work expo start --tunnel
I’ve used animation4 as the name of the initial folder which holds the projects, and myTestProject1 as the first project in that folder.
To return to a previously saved project:
cd animation4 cd myTestProject1 expo start --tunnel
I may get an error saying
"react-native-web" is added as a dependency in your project's package.json but it doesn't seem to be installed. Please run "yarn" or "npm install" to fix this issue.
If this happens do this and it should work:
npm install react-native-web --force expo start --tunnel
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