the red penguin

3. More phrases

Dw i’n hoffi smwddio (dween hoffi smoothio)
I like ironing

Dw i’n hoffi llysiau (dween hoffi thl’seeai)
I like vegetables

Dw i ddim yn hoffi teganau (dooee thim un hoffi tegan-aye)
I do not like toys

Dw i’n bwyta orenau (dween booeeta orennai)
I am eating oranges

Dw i ddim yn prynu lemon (dooee thim un prinny lemon)
I am not buying a lemon

Dych chi’n hoffi caws? (dixh xhin hoffi couse)
Do you like cheese?

Dych chi’n hoffi menyn? (dixh xhin hoffi mennin)
Do you like butter?

Dych chi’n hoffi nofio? (dixh xhin hoffi novio)
Do you like swimming?

Dych chi’n bwyta cinio? (dixh xhin booeeta kinio?)
Are you eating dinner?

Dw i ddim yn bwyta swper (dooee thim un booeeta sooper)
I do not eat supper

Dw i’n rhifo orenau (dween rivo-ren-aye)
I am counting oranges

Dw i’n hoffi dysgu (dween hoffi dusky)
I like learning

Dych chi’n gwneud caws (dixh xhin goo’naid couse)
Are you making cheese?

Dych chi’n hoffi cerdded yma? (dixh xhin hoffi cair’thed immar?)
Do you like walking here?

Tuesday 4 August 2020, 458 views

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