the red penguin

Czech Republic – day 8/9

We had to vacate our room by 9am so it was quite a rush in the morning.

After we had checked out we went down to the lake and took a boat tour. It took about 2½ hours and only cost us about £1.20 each. Nice weather – typical to get hot as we are leaving.

Had lunch in the hotel before left Brno Lake at 2.45pm. It took ages to get to Prague to pick up people, and we left there at 6pm. We stopped for an evening meal just past the German/Czech border at about 9.30pm.

I had quite a lot of sleep – sleeping through Every Which Way But Loose which I wanted to watch – Paul was not so lucky.

Had one comfort stop in Germany at 2am and then stopped again at about 6am in the Netherlands for breakfast.

There had been a fire on a Sally Line ferry on Thursday so we could not go to Dunkerque (the way we had come) and had to go to Oostende to catch our ferry home.

We arrived at Oostende at 10.30am and our ferry was not until 1.45pm. We spent the time walking around Oostende which was nice but meant we spent more money.

The ferry home was full of drunk Northerners and the sea was choppy, so there were a lot of people being sick.

Paul’s mum and dad picked us up from Ramsgate and we arrived at home about 7pm. Smudge was sitting on the living room window sill waiting for us. It was good to be home.

Sunday 28 August 1994, 554 views

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