The cost of electric living

As I am mystified as to how my electric bill is so high, thanks to @nick_tweeets who tweeted the following info out today:

With the new 52p/kWh electric cap this is what stuff will roughly cost:

1 kWh fan heater / electric radiator = 52p/hour
2 kWh fan heater / electric heater = £1.04/hour
3 kWh immersion heater = £1.56/hour

5w LED light bulb = 0.26p/hour
40w electric blanket = 2p/hour
60w light bulb – 3.12p/hour

8KG Washing machine (A rating) = 26p/cycle
8KG Washing machine (D rating) = 55p/cycle
Tumble Dryer – Heat Pump – A rating = £1.13/cycle
Tumble Dryer – Condenser – C rating = £2.33/cycle

Oven = 52p/hour
Electric hob halogen per ring = 85p/hour
Electric hob induction per ring = £1/hour (surprising?)
Microwave 900w = 47p/hour
200w slow cooker = 10p/hour
1000w 2L Air Fryer = 52p/hour
1300w 4.5L Air Fryer = 67p/hour
Electric kettle = 2p/min

42″ TV = 6p/hour
Computer monitor = 1p/hour
Xbox One S = 6p/hour
PS4 = 7p/hour

Amazon echo dot = 0.2p/hour
Sonos One = 0.7p/hour
Google Nest mini speaker = 0.2p/hour
Laptop = 2.5p/hour

American style Fridge Freezer = 2.5p/hour 60p/day
Freestanding fridge freezer = 1.45p/hour 35p/day
Under counter fridge = 0.6p/hour 16p/day

7.5 kWh electric shower = 6.5p/min
9 kWh electric shower = 7.8p/min
10.8 kWh shower = 9.3p/min

Charge Tesla/ID3 (57.5 kWh/235mile) = £30
4 slice toaster = 4.5p/3 mins
2 Slice toaster = 2.2p/3 mins

Ooh. Fishtanks (nice one @isherwood_rob)
Juwel Rio 180 litre – 152w average = £1.90/day
AquaEl Leddy 60 litre – 31w average = 39p/day

Dishwasher – Full size (Bosch serie 2) = 49p/cycle
Dishwasher – Slimline (Beko integrated) = 39p/cycle

Saturday 27 August 2022, 6783 views

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