the red penguin

British Sea Power – The Con Club, Lewes

It’s a Friday evening in December and we are tired, hungry and driving 75 miles in the dark between Maida Vale and Lewes. I couldn’t start to think how I could get from A to B so thank God for Google Maps. We ended up driving through Oxshott, a village in Surrey I had never heard of, which thankfully sorted out the hungry problem.

British Sea Power are playing one of three Christmas shows at the Con Club in Lewes, which I was glad to discover actually means the Constitutional Club and not the Conservative Club. We headed near the front of the stage for the first few songs, but after a while we went back to the bar at the side of the stage, to site on one of the sofas which gave us a restricted view of the show, although we could hear everything perfectly.

When I heard Lately come on – a track I don’t hear them play often – I got some energy back to get myself back in the throng. Such a great song whether live or not.

The other highlight, of course, was getting a fantastic bear shot – one of my best at a BSP gig.

All in all a fantastic evening and night of gigging. No pain, no gain!


  • Machineries Of Joy
  • Bad Bohemian
  • Atom
  • K Hole
  • Kw-h
  • The Spirit of St Louis
  • Childhood Memories
  • Bear
  • The Pelican
  • Mongk II
  • Remember Me
  • A Light Above Descending
  • Lately
  • No Lucifer
  • Waving Flags
  • The Great Skua

Friday 14 December 2018, 572 views

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