the red penguin

Pop Will Eat Itself, Utah Saints, Collapsed Lung – Assembly Hall, Islington

Back at the same venue as my last PWEI gig, although this time we didn’t have a front row seat and no one was bringing us drinks. I had to stand up like a normal gig-goer. Boo to the lifting of Covid restrictions, for that reason only!

Caught most of Collapsed Lung, a band I’d only seen once before – once again supporting PWEI, almost 28 years to the day at Heaven in London. I kind of still remember that gig – and enjoyed their set a lot more than I thought. Have been checking out their 2018 album Zero Hours Band a lot since then.

Was really looking forward to seeing Utah Saints for the first time, not least because they are partly responsible for one of my favourite music videos ever.

But after a relentless 40 minutes I was pretty exhausted. Also, Kate Bush didn’t show up.

Pop Will Eat Itself were great as usual, although I was more concerned with a very old guy close to us who definitely looked like he was going to piss all over us and everyone close by at one point. Cure For Sanity isn’t my favourite of their albums, and the whole thing was played from start to finish (the show had been originally due to go out in October last year to celebrate its 30th anniversary). But it was great to hear some of the songs live for the first and perhaps the last time.


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  • Everything’s Cool
Saturday 2 October 2021, 659 views

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