the red penguin

Piroshka, International Teachers of Pop – Central Library, Lancaster

I had to do the long drive from Essex to Lancaster and back today to pick up my son from university, so what were the odds that I would be able to drive the 262 miles up there, catch a great gig at lunchtime and then drive home again?

The show was a matinee, courtesy of Get Loud In Libraries, a “unique award-winning project designed to give people who love music the chance to see top-notch artists in their local library”, which seems fairly accurate to me. They do a great job, picking good locations with, in this case, great acoustics.

Piroshka soundchecking

The show started around 1pm and I was done and dusted by 3pm and back on the M6 home. As an added bonus the International Teachers of Pop were fantastic too. A mad, energetic set with some great tunes and great 70s dance moves.

There was a decent crowd there, Piroshka’s set was once again excellent, and I got to interview Miki before the gig too – I am pleased to report that she was utterly lovely. She did have a bit of a double-take when I told her I’d driven up from Basildon for the gig and was driving back again afterwards. I had to stress that I was combining it with the university pick-up, in case she thought I was nuts. She still probably did.


  • We Told You
  • Hated By The Powers That Be
  • Village Of The Damned
  • Blameless
  • April
  • Heartbeats
  • This Must Be Bedlam
  • Run For Your Life
  • She’s Unreal
  • Everlastingly Yours
  • What’s Next?
  • Never Enough

Sunday 23 June 2019, 511 views

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