the red penguin

Sleeper, My Life Story – The Haunt, Brighton

Only my second Sleeper gig, and my first for 19 years! Have to be honest and admit I thought this day would never come.

A new venue for me, back to ultra-expensive Brighton, where you can’t park and everything costs at-least-London prices. So I’d say £15 for this gig was pretty cheap. And I did love this poster as you came into the venue.

My Life Story were in support and it was the first time I’d seen them in 8 years, too. They have a new single out, 24 Hour Deflowerer, which is just like the Mornington Crescent days so here’s hoping for more of the same soon …

Sleeper didn’t play a super long set considering it was their first gig of the 21st century – I think it was being treated as a warm up for their Starshaped tour next month. But they sounded tight, the band were very happy to be there, and the crowd likewise. On at 9pm, off at 10pm!

    Sleeper setlist:

  • Pyrotechnician
  • Dress Like Your Mother
  • Delicious
  • What Do I Do Now?
  • Lie Detector
  • Statuesque
  • Vegas
  • Nice Guy Eddie
  • Atomic (Blondie cover)
  • Inbetweener
  • She’s A Good Girl


  • Miss You
  • Lady Love Your Countryside
  • Sale of the Century

    My Life Story setlist:

  • Sparkle
  • 24 Hour Deflowerer
  • The King Of Kissingdom
  • Funny Ha Ha
  • Strumpet
  • Fall-In (Adam and the Ants cover)
  • It’s A Girl Thing
  • 12 Reasons Why I Love Her

Saturday 22 July 2017, 457 views

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