the red penguin

Mo Fingers – Brentwood Rugby Club, Brentwood

This was a gig that I put on with local promoters Smoking Monkey under the name The 99th Floor. I had a busy evening as I first headed to Chinnery’s in Southend to interview Mike Edwards from Jesus Jones. If I hadn’t been putting on this show I would have stayed for the whole show there.

Mo Fingers were a Hammond-fuelled funk-inspired band from Essex. They were very good, although one of the band members angrily came up to me 5 minutes before the start and asked why he wasn’t getting more money. When I told him he was getting the money we’d agreed beforehand, he didn’t know how much that was. Luckily they did play as expected, but hey, the joys of putting on gigs …

Friday 3 June 2016, 496 views

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