the red penguin

Salad Undressed, Vince Petchey – Three Wise Monkeys, Colchester

Tonight was a very enjoyable evening in a venue I haven’t been to before but one that lends itself well to live music. Marijne and Paul from Salad were very chatty and relaxed and even organised a kind of Easter egg hunt with clues around obscure lost tracks and B sides which reminded me how much I’m forgetting as I get older. That’s why I’m blogging again!

Vince Petchey were a local Colchester band (with no member actually called Vince Petchey) who I thought were pretty good – but turned out they’d already split up and were only playing because one of them went to school with Paul from Salad (I think).


  • Diminished Clothes
  • Granite Statue
  • Your Ma
  • Wanna Be Free
  • Being Human
  • Nowhere Near
  • Motorbike To Heaven
  • Namedrops
  • Broken Bird
  • Relationship Dust
  • On A Leash
  • Drink The Elixir

Monday 17 April 2017, 514 views

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