the red penguin

Indie Daze 4 – Forum, Kentish Town

Bands seen: Thousand Yard Stare, Salad, Bis

This was a good line up – but I wasn’t feeling too well today. So I decided to hit it early, see the first three bands – who coincidentally were the three bands I wanted to see the most – and then head on home, even though this meant I’d miss Voice Of The Beehive, who I really did want to see. But I just wasn’t up to it, sorry!

    Thousand Yard Stare setlist:

  • Version Of Me
  • Heimlich Maneuver
  • Comeuppance
  • Buttermouth
  • What’s Your Level?
  • Seasonstream
  • Action Stations
  • 0-0 A.E.T.
  • Wideshire

    Salad setlist:

  • Diminished Clothes
  • Granite Statue
  • Plank
  • Motorbike To Heaven
  • Being Human
  • Your Ma
  • Kent
  • On A Leash
  • Big Monkey Girl
  • The Sky’s Our Terminal
  • Yeah Yeah
  • Drink the Elixir

And there’s me in the crowd watching Salad!

    Bis setlist:

  • Sweet Shop Avengerz
  • Action and Drama
  • Everybody Thinks That They’re Going to Get Theirs
  • Kill Yr Boyfriend
  • Starbright Boy
  • Monstarr
  • Eurodisco
  • Cubis (I Love You)
  • School Disco
  • Kandy Pop
  • This Is Fake D.I.Y.



Thousand Yard Stare

Saturday 7 October 2017, 524 views

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