the red penguin

Lush – Roundhouse, Chalk Farm

My second Lush gig in a month, and my second and final Lush gig ever.

I’m not sure if it was better than the thrill of seeing them for the first time, when I didn’t ever expect to, but it was certainly a fantastic show.

I managed to book a seat, which was great because it’s a SEAT but it also meant I had a bit of an obscured view from the columns from time to time, as you can see in the photos below.

Someone on Twitter (khc, I guess?) posted this fantastic comic. The first half definitely happened but I can’t vouch for the second half!


  • De-Luxe
  • Breeze
  • Kiss Chase
  • Hypocrite
  • Lovelife
  • Thoughtforms
  • Light From A Dead Star
  • Undertow
  • Lit Up
  • Etheriel
  • Scarlet
  • For Love
  • Out Of Control
  • Ladykillers
  • Downer
  • Sweetness and Light


  • Stray
  • Desire Lines
  • Leaves Me Cold

    Encore 2:

  • Monochrome

Friday 6 May 2016, 484 views

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