the red penguin

Luke Haines – The Lexington, Islington

My friend Vanda has come over from Hungary for a couple of days and asked if I want to catch a gig in London. We have no idea who’s playing that we could go to see at short notice, so we both plump for Luke Haines, former lead singer of the Auteurs, who I’ve never seen live. And he’s doing two shows, including an early evening one starting around 7pm, which fits in nicely with our plans, so sold!

I really enjoyed it – I don’t think I knew any of the songs, but it was a really good performance and I’d definitely go again.

This is the setlist he played on the second show that day. I’ve got a photo of the setlist but it’s not complete – the set I saw was similar to this one though except Light Aircraft on Fire was the encore. All the songs are Auteurs cover except for Back On The Farm which appears on his solo album Baader Meinhof.

  • Underground Movies
  • Chinese Bakery
  • After Murder Park
  • The Upper Classes
  • Dead Sea Navigators
  • Child Brides
  • Unsolved Child Murder
  • Light Aircraft On Fire
  • School
  • Tombstone
  • New French Girlfriend
  • Get Wrecked at Home
  • Housebreaker
  • Back On The Farm
  • Home Again
  • Future Generation


  • Lou Reed Lou Reed

Wednesday 4 May 2016, 510 views

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