the red penguin

Mystery Jets – South Records, Southend-on-Sea

A record shop gig in Southend to promote the Mystery Jets’ new album Curve Of The Earth. On a Wednesday lunchtime! I am SO glad I am not stuck in an office chained to the 9 to 5 any more.

I had the chance to interview the band afterwards – my interview with them in 2006 was one of my favourite ones ever, so I was looking forward to it. Maybe they’ve had 10 weary years of talking to people about their music but today wasn’t such a good one – they seemed mostly disinterested, apart from the new bass player, Jack, who was really up for it. Of course, maybe the first one was so good my expectations were too high!

Great set though. Record shop gigs can be awkward for viewpoints so I perched myself firmly at the front for this one.

Wednesday 20 January 2016, 508 views

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