the red penguin

Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, Pop Will Eat Itself, Miles Hunt – The Institute, Digbeth

I was looking at this tour for some time thinking, yeah, this looks like a really good gig. But I didn’t buy a ticket. So some time after the London show but before the Birmingham show, I thought the sensible thing to do would be to go for it.

I got into Birmingham nice and early and was queueing up to get in well before 7pm. The venue had a row of seats and I managed to nab one, so I had a pretty good view throughout.

I was chatting for a while with one of the security guards who let me take a picture of her sheet as I thought it was pretty funny!

I think it was the first time I’d seen Miles Hunt solo, and I still haven’t seen the Wonder Stuff at all. This was my 6th Ned’s show and my 12th PWEI. I’m surprised I haven’t seen Neds more – or play them at home more. They always sound great and have amazing energy on stage.

Being up in unfamiliar territory gave me a chance to have a couple of walks around Birmingham on the Saturday and Warwick on the Sunday morning, all in time for a breakfast sitting outside on an unfeasibly warm April morning. Much nicer than going to Shepherd’s Bush.

    Miles Hunt setlist:

  • Unbearable
  • Ruby Horse
  • Can’t Shape Up
  • Don’t Let Me Down, Gently
  • Everything Is Not Okay
  • Room 512, All the News That’s Fit to Print
  • On The Ropes
  • Give, Give, Give Me More, More, More

    Pop Will Eat Itself set:

  • PWEI Is A Four Letter Word
  • Preaching To The Perverted
  • Wise Up! Sucker
  • Sixteen Different Flavours Of Hell
  • Inject Me
  • Can U Dig It?
  • The Fuses Have Been Lit
  • Poison To The Mind
  • Def Con One
  • Radio P.W.E.I.
  • Shortwave Transmission on ‘Up To The Minuteman Nine’
  • Satellite Ecstatica
  • Not Now James, We’re Busy…
  • Wake Up! Time To Die…


  • Ich Bin Ein Ausländer
  • Get the Girl! Kill the Baddies!
  • Their Law

    Ned’s Atomic Dustbin set:

  • Tantrum
  • Not Sleeping Around
  • Until You Find Out
  • Throwing Things
  • Trust
  • Walking Through Syrup
  • A Leg-End In His Own Boots
  • Aim
  • Stuck
  • Two and Two Made Five
  • Cut Up
  • Traffic
  • Capsize
  • Happy
  • Grey Cell Green
  • Intact


  • Kill Your Television
  • Selfish

Saturday 20 April 2019, 512 views

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