the red penguin

Carter USM, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, Cud – Academy, Brixton

Another November, another Carter USM “reunion” gig at Brixton Academy. This was a little better as I got to see Ned’s Atomic Dustbin for the first time since the Four 4 Wiz show five and a half years ago – and I got to see Cud for the first time EVER.

Except I didn’t see as much as I’d hoped, as I’d gone into Brixton Road to get a burger before the start of the gig, which inexplicably took about 20 minutes to be cooked. I ended up missing the start of the Cud set, which was a shame, as I thought they were really good.

I was upstairs for this one and managed to get a reasonable view right at the front, even if my camera wasn’t playing ball tonight. The Carter setlist was oldies-packed and it was good to hear Alternative Alf Garnett, which never gets much of an airing – it was on the original Rubbish CDS which was the first Carter product I ever bought, in the summer of 1990.

There were a few covers played and Tom Hingley was wheeled out to join them on This Is How It Feels.

GI Blues would have been played at the end of that set. (Just as I’m making my way out – it’s a fans’ favourite but I just don’t like that song!)

Always good to see Ned’s Atomic Dustbin too. All in all, a worthwhile night out!

    Carter USM setlist:

  • Surfin’ USM
  • My Second to Last Will and Testament
  • Midnight on the Murder Mile
  • Bedsitter (Soft Cell cover)
  • Rubbish
  • Do Re Me, So Far So Good
  • Lean on Me I Won’t Fall Over
  • Good Grief Charlie Brown
  • Say It With Flowers
  • Rent (Pet Shop Boys cover)
  • Anytime Anyplace Anywhere
  • The Music That Nobody Likes
  • Falling on a Bruise
  • While You Were Out
  • Shoppers’ Paradise
  • The Only Living Boy in New Cross
  • A Prince in a Pauper’s Grave
  • Glam Rock Cops
  • After the Watershed (Early Learning the Hard Way)
  • England
  • Bloodsport for All
  • The Impossible Dream (Mitch Leigh cover)
  • An All American National Sport
  • A Perfect Day to Drop the Bomb


  • Alternative Alf Garnett
  • Let’s Get Tattoos
  • This Is How It Feels (Inspiral Carpets cover) (with Tom Hingley)
  • Sheriff Fatman
  • G.I. Blues

    Ned’s Atomic Dustbin setlist:

  • Kill Your Television
  • Until You Find Out
  • Not Sleeping Around
  • Walking Through Syrup
  • Cut Up
  • Trust
  • Nothing Like
  • Intact
  • Stuck
  • Happy
  • Grey Cell Green
  • Selfish

And good to see the Cud video was the most popular of all the ones I posted!

Saturday 10 November 2012, 275 views

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