the red penguin

Bleech, Kulaks, Local Girls – The Square, Harlow

First time seeing Bleech, a band who I’ve been playing since their demos first surfaced online a few years ago.

I made sure I got down early for Local Girls’ set too. I interviewed both Bleech and Local Girls in the Square’s brilliantly large green room which has a great Pete Frame-style family tree of Essex bands in a big frame on the wall – something I could have read all night.

The Local Girls set was fantastic and there was a second support band, Kulaks, although I don’t remember a lot about them! Bleech were as good live as they’ve been on recent record releases, so it was great to see them in such a small venue. Sometimes a three piece band don’t quite get it right live – but you can see from the videos that their live sound is as beefed up as it is on record.


  • Dancing Without You
  • Break My Nose
  • The Worthing Song
  • Listening?
  • Here I Am
  • Taking Over
  • Control
  • Not Like You
  • I Wanna Be Me
  • 70’s Child
  • Mondays


  • Flowerhands
  • Is It True That Boys Don’t Cry?

Friday 2 November 2012, 229 views

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