Phoenix In The Foyer 2 – The Brentwood Centre, Brentwood

The second gig in the Phoenix In The Foyer series. A fairly decent turnout since it’s a new and ad hoc bunch of gigs, a specialist genre, and we’re definitely dependent on word of mouth. Probably about 50 people watching at its peak, which is 48 more than the worst turnout for a gig I’ve ever put on.

The acts were all very good performers and there was a lot of diversity in the styles too. Mik West was comparable to Dire Straits, Dave Jackson to Led Zeppelin/White Stripes and there was also a lot of old-style Mississippi washboard blues going on too.

The evening’s compere, Ches Moulton

Mik West

Richie Milton, Bill Farrow and Ray Skilton

Jo Harman

Dave Jackson Band

Saturday 27 October 2012, 347 views

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