the red penguin

Maximo Park – Sebright Arms, Bethnal Green

What a great way to spend a dreary winter’s Monday evening. My second time in eight months at this relatively new music venue after having seen Bleech here last year.

Even better for me because firstly I got into a very small venue to see the launch gig for the new Maximo Park album Too Much Information. AND I got in for free, as I was on the press list.

AND I got to interview Paul Smith before the gig, which is technically work, but I can assume you it was all pleasure – Mr Smith was an absolute delight and we had an unhurried conversation in a bar just down the road from the venue.

The gig itself was very good indeed – it’s easy to forget how many great songs they have and I’m warming more and more to My Velocity which is currently one of my favourite songs ever. And I’ve heard a lot of songs.


  • Give, Get, Take
  • Our Velocity
  • Signal and Sign
  • The National Health
  • Brain Cells
  • Hips and Lips
  • A Fortnight’s Time
  • Graffiti
  • Lydia, the Ink Will Never Dry
  • Leave This Island
  • Books From Boxes
  • My Bloody Mind
  • Limassol
  • The Undercurrents
  • Girls Who Play Guitars
  • Her Name Was Audre
  • Apply Some Pressure
  • Midnight on the Hill


  • Where We’re Going
  • Going Missing

Monday 3 February 2014, 432 views

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