the red penguin

Knifeworld, Thumpermonkey, Barringtone, Something Beginning With L – The Lexington, King’s Cross

I couldn’t find a poster for the event but I did find this, from June 2012. I wonder if they are related?

This was the launch party for Knifeworld’s Clairvoyant Fortnight EP and it was a great night out. I got there early to enjoy all four bands.

I’d seen Barringtone over three years ago (seems like 30) when they supported Young Knives at Colchester Arts Centre and had the pleasure of seeing SBWL when they played an acoustic session at Phoenix FM back in July 2011. And Thumpermonkey … well, they just have a great name. Although SBWL were my favourites, because Jen and Lucy not only spotted me and came up and said hello, but they bought me a drink too. REALLY. And their set was ace too.

All the bands were good – Barringtone and Thumpermonkey were discordant in a good way, and Knifeworld are part-pop, part-prog, and both parts are great. Good to see an enormous band on a tiny stage too, I get some kind of odd satisfaction about seeing that.

Friday 22 June 2012, 215 views

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