Rajiv, Albino Peaches – Brentwood Centre, Brentwood

Battle Stage heat 2, the second of three “Battle of the Bands” type heats to find a winning artist who would then go on to perform at this year’s Brentwood Festival.

Had a lot of trouble with bands pulling out, not being available after they said that they were, wanting money (!) etc. So three bands took part in the end, The Albino Peaches and Rajiv (who I saw) and Soma Rising (who I didn’t as I had to rush off to Southend). I might have had a chance to see them but the evening was delayed while they went home to get some kit they’d forgotten to bring.

Rajiv was voted the winner by the Phoenix guys who stayed to the end and he went through to the June final.

Saturday 18 May 2013, 485 views

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